Friday, December 28, 2007

Boxing Day, Yay!

Well, technically it was day-after-Boxing-Day, but details schmetails. Yesterday, Julie and I went on a library trip disguised as a shopping trip, hopping across half of downtown Toronto and hitting three libraries along the way.

Of course, I had to pay a visit to Lettuce Knit, a yarn shop downtown because of their Boxing Day sale.

I should've brought my camera with me. I don't know why I didn't.

The place was small, but it was gorgeous! From the moment of entering, I was surrounded by yarn and yarn and more yarn. The needles on stock were bamboo, and I wanted to start knitting socks, but although the size 0 dpns were fairly priced, the sock yarns were a little too expensive for me, even with the sale.

So, after fawning over the sheer selection for over 15 minutes, I picked out some yarn that were useful and moderately priced: 3 skeins of 100% wool in green and 1 in yellow (for Silvanus), and 1 hank of 100% organic cotton in a lovely light blue.

Monday, December 24, 2007


The holidays are supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation, not to knitters or students, and especially not to students who are knitters. With 1 day (actually, less than 24 hours), I've finally finished my only hand-made gift this year: the Slytherin scarf for Julie.

It turned out shorter and wider than i wanted it to be, and knitting in 3.25 mm dpn hurted, especially since I only realized half-way through that I knit too tightly. The pattern is courtesy of atypically.knit with a lot of liberties, substitutions, and general improv done to it. If I had a little more time and a looot more skill, I probably would've embroidered a snake or Julie's name onto it. *sigh*

I gave up on the Maiden's Glory headdress for Emi because I found a foil print for her that I believe she'll love, and I really didn't have all that much time.

Dear Goddess, someone please warn me to NEVER knit with a deadline again...

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Grand Opening of the Owl's Knitted Nest!

Hello, world, and welcome to the Owl's Nest!

This shall be a purely knitting blog (...and I'm keeping a count-down of how long until I violate that statement) for me, since every knitter and their cat seems to have one nowadays. I'm a knitter since the end of August, 2007, so I'm been knitting for all of 3.5 months and counting. I'm absolutely in love with the craft, and I plan on continuing for the rest of my life. It's a serious shame among the knitting community that we can't knit as a well-paying profession, so I'm just going to have to keep it an interest while I study to go into medicine.

I don't really have an impressive amount of finished projects under my belt, and I've only started to crochet, so I'm not exactly the expert to go for big, huge, complicated pattern help or finding cool, fancy patterns made by me here. However, I'm here to mingle with the knitting community, and I'm honoured to learn from you all! *bow*

Me, now and later:
- My most complicated projects are a capelet and a teddy bear, and both are very simple in design.
- I currently have two knitted projects-in-progress: a Harry Potter scarf for my best friend who's a Slytherin through and through (Ravenclaw and proud!) and another capelet for my Grandma. Both I'm trying to finish before Christmas
- I also have a crocheted farmer's market bag in progress as well, but it looks nice, and I'm not worried about it.
- I want to crochet A Maiden's Glory for my friend for Christmas, and it's a priority because I'm sending it by mail. However, I'm stuck on the instructions... at the second half the first darned leaf! In retrospect, anything but a scarf isn't a very good beginner's project for crochet...
- I currently also have a million other projects I want to do, include countless ones on websites and books, and some that I want to design myself. School knows this, and is swamping me with homework. >.<