Monday, December 24, 2007


The holidays are supposed to be a time of rest and relaxation, not to knitters or students, and especially not to students who are knitters. With 1 day (actually, less than 24 hours), I've finally finished my only hand-made gift this year: the Slytherin scarf for Julie.

It turned out shorter and wider than i wanted it to be, and knitting in 3.25 mm dpn hurted, especially since I only realized half-way through that I knit too tightly. The pattern is courtesy of atypically.knit with a lot of liberties, substitutions, and general improv done to it. If I had a little more time and a looot more skill, I probably would've embroidered a snake or Julie's name onto it. *sigh*

I gave up on the Maiden's Glory headdress for Emi because I found a foil print for her that I believe she'll love, and I really didn't have all that much time.

Dear Goddess, someone please warn me to NEVER knit with a deadline again...

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