Friday, July 4, 2008


...which started over two weeks ago for me, so yeah...

But yay, I can get back to my knitting now!

My report card just came in the mail today; final average of 93.8 according to the card, but I calculated 93.9 (small difference, but every decimal counts when my parents are holding me accountable...), even factoring in the civics/career as one course. Math was the one that weighed my marks down, coming in at 83, *wince*.

Summer to-do list: Find a summer job to support my yarn habit (nixed by Dad's insistence), figure out what the heck universities are looking for in terms of marks, how the heck applications work, and HOW ON EARTH DOES IT WORK STARTING FROM HERE???, study for the SAT, practise math, go to Wonderland/ROM/science center with friends...

Oh, and knit and crochet in the free seconds I have.

On the bright side, I did finish one project to date!
I call him Baka, because of an obscure pun that traverses two different cultures .

Current project is Seraphina, worked with Sirdar Blur (acrylic + kid mohair). What I've learned so far? Working a big crochet project when my grasp is *very* tentative at best, and with a delicate (read: frustrating) yarn? Not exactly my best idea to date.

Also, Knitting Olympics! I'm a proud member of Team Teen! going for the Sweater Sprint with Titania, my current summer fling <3.

Happy belated Canada Day to my fellow Canucks, and Happy Fourth of July to my American neighbours!

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